Wednesday, April 16, 2008


The Department of Transport has engaged Booz & Company to undertake a review of bus services in the Shire of Cardinia, City of Casey and City of Greater Dandenong.

The objective of the review is to prepare a comprehensive improvement plan for local bus services in order to maximise their value to the community.

The study team held a first round of community workshops in April 2008 where input from local community members, local government and local transport operators was sought on the current bus services in the area.
A second round of community workshops is now planned for August. This round of workshops aims to seek community feedback on the draft bus service improvement plan as developed by the study team.

The Department of Transport would therefore like to invite you, or a suitable representative from your organisation, to take part in the local area community workshops.

Please refer to the invitation attached, which includes further information about the Bus Service Review and upcoming community workshops.

We look forward to working with you in this important, interesting and challenging project.